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Buying tat for the house

In all the excitement of renovating a house, one's thoughts often turn to the 'final look'. Clara and I have spent many hours looking through books and online at traditional french interiors and have happily agreed (This time) on what vibe our house should have. To achieve said vibe, we have been purchasing various bits and pieces and the main source for this 'tat' has been the wonderful website. With the wonder that is Google Translate and Maps, we've been able to plan our French sourced purchases either on-route to or from the house and the vendors have been very patient in keeping the items until our next trip. We've also discovered the joy of writing cheques the french way. We've also sourced some nice pieces from home in the UK, eBay and will even up-cycle some of the original materials from the house. As a keen fan of photography, I bought this coin (via eBay) and thought it would look great in black and white - a friend of mi...

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